[15] Bolan, J., M. Albritton, A. Devan-Song, A. Morris, J. Grimley, F. Knightly, S. Poo. Presence of incidentally-ingested phoretic mites predicts endoparasite composition and load in Fowler's toad across habitats. Submitted. 🐸 [14] Malter, T., R. Strasbaugh, A. Bogisich, J. Terry, E. Saffle, A. Devan-Song, L. Neuman-Lee, S. Poo. Cross-generational effects of stress on captive adults and their released offspring in an amphibian. Accepted. 🐸 [13] Rushmore, J., B.R. Beechler, H. Tavalire, E.E. Gorsich, B. Charleston, A. Devan-Song, C.K. Glidden, A.E. Jolles. 2023. The heterogeneous herd: drivers of close-contact variation in African buffalo and implications for pathogen invasion. Ecology and Evolution. 13(8):e10447. 🐃 [12] Laliberte, C., A. Devan-Song, J.D. Burco, C.E. Couch, M.F. Gentzkow, R.S. Spaan, C.W. Epps, B.R. Beechler. 2023. A simple biochemical plasma test as an indicator of maternal energy balance predicts offspring survival in bighorn sheep. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: 11. 🐏 [11] Poo, S., A.K. Candia, K.L. Cohen, F.T. Erickson, S.A. Mason, B.D. Nissen, A.F. McNear, J.J. Reinig, J.S. Sherrock, A.R. Aguiluz, L.L. Jacques, H.E.R. Jenkins, A. Devan-Song. 2023. Hatching plasticity in a Southeast Asian treefrog mitigates submergence-induced mortality. Biotropica. 55:(4)806–815. 🐸 [10] Devan-Song, A., M.A. Walden, J.R. Watson, A.E. Jolles, J.M. Fox, N.E. Karraker. 2022. Assortative mixing in eastern spadefoot spatial networks is driven by landscape features. Ecosphere 13(7): e4191. 🐸 [9] M.A. Walden, R. Jania, M.E. Kinney, A. Devan-Song, K.K. Drake, T.C. Esque, K.T. Shoemaker. 2022. Computed tomography for measuring body fat volume in threatened Agassiz's desert tortoise (Gopherus agasizii). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 53(2):412–423. 🐢 [8] Poo, S., A. Bogisich, M. Mack, B.K. Lynn, A. Devan-Song. 2022. Post-release comparisons of amphibian growth reveal challenges with sperm cryopreservation as a conservation tool. Conservation Science and Practice 4(1): e572. 🐸 [7] Landry Yuan, F., A. Devan-Song, S. Yue, T.C. Bonebrake. 2021. Snakebite management and One Health in Asia using an integrated historical, social, and ecological framework. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 106(2):384–388.🐍 [6] Devan-Song, A., M.A. Walden, H.A. Moniz, J.M. Fox, M.R. Low, E. Wilkinson, S.W. Buchanan, N.E. Karraker. 2021. Confirmation bias fuels ecological misconception: evidence against 'secretive' nature of eastern spadefoots. Journal of Herpetology 55(2):137–150. 🐸 [5] Devan-Song, A., S. Luz, A. Mathew, M.R. Low, D.P. Bickford. 2017. Pythons, parasites and pests: anthropogenic impacts on Sarcocystis transmission in a multi-host system. Biotropica 49(5): 706–715. 🐍 [4] Devan-Song, A., P. Martelli, N.E. Karraker. 2017. Reproductive biology and natural history of the white-lipped pit viper (Trimeresurus albolabris) in Hong Kong. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:41–55. 🐍 [3] Karraker, N.E., D. Bickford, S. Fischer, A. Devan-Song, A. Tan, J. Sheridan, P. Yambun, M. Lakim. 2017. Activity patterns and habitat use of Ansonia hanitschi on Mt Kinabalu, Malaysia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12: 233–240. 🐸 [2] Devan-Song, A., P. Martelli, D. Dudgeon, G. Ades, P. Crow, N.E. Karraker. 2016. Is long-distance translocation an effective mitigation tool for white-lipped pit vipers (Trimeresurus albolabris) in South China? Biological Conservation 204: 212–220. 🐍 [1] Devan-Song, A., R.M. Brown. 2012. Amphibians and reptiles of Luzon Island, Philippines VI: the herpetofauna of the Subic Bay area. Asian Herpetological Research 3(1): 1–20. 🐍🐸🐢🦎 NATURAL HISTORY NOTES, ESSAYS, SCIENCE COMMUNICATION [8] Devan-Song, A, M. Albritton, J. Bolan, M.A. Walden, N.E. Karraker, S. Poo. Scaphiopus holbrookii (Eastern Spadefoot). Burrow Depths. Accepted. [7] Devan-Song, A. Something is afoot (with Eastern spadefoots). 2023. Women in Herpetology: 50 stories from around the world. Edited by U. Arifin, I. W. Caviedes Solis, and S. Poo. [6] Poo, S., A. Devan-Song, A. Bogisich, B.K. Lynn, M. Mack. 2023. Can freezing frog sperm help with conservation efforts? Current Conservation. 🐸 [5] Devan-Song, A. and M.R. Low. 2016. Trimeresurus fucatus (Siamese peninsula pit viper). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(2): 318. 🐍 [4] Poo, S., M.R. Low and A. Devan-Song. 2016. Xenochrophis flavipunctatus (yellow-spotted keelback water snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(2): 319. 🐍 [3] Walden, M. and A. Devan-Song. 2016. Amphiuma means county record. Catesbeiana 36(1): 43. [2] Karraker, N.E., C.T. Strine, M. Crane, and A. Devan-Song. 2015. Dryocalamus subannulatus (Malayan bridle snake). Behavior. Herpetological Review 46(2): 222–223. 🐍 [1] Devan-Song, A., M. Albritton, J. Bolan, M.A. Walden, N.E. Karraker, S. Poo. Scaphiopus holbrookii (Eastern spadefoot). Burrow Depths. Submitted. 🐸 |